Health News
Why is the Drinking Age 21?
At what age a person first tastes alcohol may not be as telling as the first time a person gets drunk. Researchers found that the longer a young person delayed his or her first intoxication—the better their health fared.
ADHD Treatment May Reduce Smoking Risk
Did you know that kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to start smoking? The question is whether seeking treatment early in life can decrease this risk.
Drug-Alcohol Combo is Dangerous
Substance abuse is risky no matter what. But, when combining drugs with alcohol, the risks for negative health outcomes increases considerably.
Pot Unsafe While Pregnant
Most people have known that smoking marijuana was not safe for pregnancy. Modern, high-potency marijuana poses additional dangers for fetal development.
Filling Prescriptions Before It’s Time
One of the more difficult forms of drug abuse to control among teens is prescription drug abuse. Prescription drugs, like stimulants prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can be abused for recreational purposes.
Checked Your Teens' Texts Lately?
Who would have thought a text message could put a teen on a sex offender list? Yet this is one of the more extreme possible consequences of the increasing trend of " sexting ."
Approaching Painkillers Differently
What if painkillers killed pain without getting people high? People without pain would feel nothing and people with pain would feel pain-free and clearheaded.
Drug Abuse & PTSD
Treating post-traumatic stress disorder can be tough when adding in substance dependence. New treatment methods have shown promise in helping both issues.
Plain Cigarette Packaging
There are a lot of occasional smokers out there. And, they seem to be more open to accepting the fact that cigarettes are unhealthy than daily smokers.
Nicotine Replacement Therapies Do Help
Nicotine patches or prescriptions like Zyban and Chantix can help smokers quit. Staying strong and not going back to smoking is the hard part and these aids can help.