Health News
Success Over Teen Drinking
Teenagers have an incredible capacity to learn, grow and change. And that capacity may be of service when it comes to reducing unhealthy drinking behavior among teens.
Using to Cope With Parental Deployment
Using alcohol or drugs during times of stress is the last thing a kid should be doing. But kids admitted to hitting the hard stuff when a parent was away on military deployment.
Alcohol, Suicide and Overdoses
Alcohol has never been known to improve clear-headed decision making. For a person who is thinking about taking their own life, alcohol and medication can make a lethal combo.
Daredevils Don’t Need Vodka with Red Bull
Energy drinks are full of caffeine and sugar, which can pack quite a kick. But what happens if people drink energy drinks with alcohol? Do people get double buzzed and reckless?
With Hep C, Alcohol is a No Go
For healthy people, a drink or two can be okay. But for people with hepatitis C liver infections, a drink or two a day might be very dangerous.
Binge Drinking: A Global Issue
Having a glass of wine with dinner is not the same as throwing back five rounds in one night. Across the globe, many people don’t drink, but those who do may be drinking too much.
Have A Drink, Not Four
Crossing the line between one or two drinks to three or four isn’t difficult, but it may not be healthy. Researchers have found that many people have been drinking too much.
Teens Aren’t Getting the ‘Say No’ Memo
Preventing substance abuse in teens needs to start early. Whether the message comes from school, from TV or the radio, teens need to know the risks involved with substance abuse.
The Risks for Babies Born to Alcoholics
Alcohol and pregnancy don't mix. And neither does alcoholism and a baby's first year of life. Mothers who don't have alcohol problems are much more likely to see their babies grow up.
Is Drinking Related to Cancer?
Studies in the past have shown links between heavy drinking and cancer. Previous research has found drinking red wine fights cancer. But what about just drinking in general?