Health News

RA Drugs May Prevent Early Death
Rheumatoid arthritis not only affects your joints, but also other organs throughout the body. When other organs are affected, patients may be faced with serious problems, even death. One type of drug may lower this risk.
RA Patients Did Well with Specialty Help
Controlling the pain and swelling of rheumatoid arthritis is no easy task. As such, treating the disease requires a specialist. A recent study suggests that patients should see a specialist as soon as possible.
Different Drugs, Same Death Rates
When it comes to treating rheumatoid arthritis, there are a number of drugs that can be used. Each drug works differently and has different risks. Do these differences also mean different death rates?
AS Medication Didn't Change Heart Risks
A long term disease named  Ankylosing   Spondylitis has been linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular problems. A number of factors could be responsible for this increased risk, including the drugs used to treat this painful condition.
To Switch or Not To Switch AS Drugs
No two patients with ankylosing spondylitis are exactly the same. As such, a drug treatment that works for one patient may not work for the other. When one drug isn't working out, patients may turn to another drug.
RA Drugs Carry Similar Risk
Many experts recommend that rheumatoid arthritis patients get early drug treatment to slow down their disease and prevent disability. With so many drug options, it's important to know the safety of each drug.
New Psoriasis Hope
For those without psoriasis, the common autoimmune condition that generally manifests as raised red skin with silver-white patches of dead skin, the condition may appear to be just a minor cosmetic annoyance.
Dimming the Flame of Pain: Arthritis and All That
Your joints may feel tight. Your hips might hurt so bad that you can barely walk. Your back may feel so weak that you cannot even sit up straight. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you might have arthritis.
No Doubt About Arthritis Drug's Benefit
A few years ago, the FDA warned that certain drugs may raise the risk of cancer in children with juvenile arthritis. While it still seems these children are more prone to cancer, the drugs might not be to blame.
A Pain in the Back
Arthritis comes in many forms. One of these may have a funny sounding name, but the pain it brings is no laughing matter. It is called ankylosing spondylitis , and it is a pain in the back.