Health News
Spit Test Accurate for HIV Diagnosis
Which would you rather do, give up some saliva or have blood taken? Good news for those of us who hate being pricked with needles: A saliva test can replace a blood test for HIV.
Oral Drug Cocktail Is Treatment for Hep C
Hepatitis C is a serious condition that damages the liver and can be difficult to treat. Here's the latest on its treatment: A new university study says that a drug combo may be able to slow the disease’s growth.
Viral Load Biggest Factor in Reducing HIV
We all know that HIV is a sexually transmitted disease, and that safe sex is the best way to prevent infection. But if you're not being safe with an HIV-positive partner, what's your risk?
Herpes Hides From the Eye
Taking antiviral therapy medications - even at high dosages - is not sufficient to prevent the spread of genital herpes, even when symptoms are not present.
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
A vaccine to protect against herpes has shown some success for one strain of the virus, offering researchers hope that they're on the right path to a more comprehensive vaccine.
Hope for an AIDS Vaccine
An AIDS vaccine has long been a holy grail for medical researchers. New experiments in monkeys are giving hope that a vaccine for humans is getting closer to reality.
HIV Patients Choose Seizure Drugs Carefully
A new guideline from the American Academy of Neurology urges caution for doctors prescribing seizure drugs for patients also taking anti-retroviral drugs for HIV.
Ovulation May Raise Risk for Infection
Feeling sick? It may be due to your monthly cycle. Spanish and Austrian researchers studied the effects of the sex hormone estradiol (which triggers ovulation) in mice.
Few With HIV Have Controlled Virus
Today, HIV patients are expected to live to an old age, with the right drugs and treatment. But a new report has found that many Americans with HIV aren't on that track.
HIV Drug for Younger Generation
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of the HIV drug Isentress ( raltegravir ) for children and adolescents, in combination with other antiretroviral drugs.