Health News

HIV and HBV: Partners in Crime
If you have HIV, one of the most dangerous risks is becoming infected with another chronic disease at the same time. Hepatitis B is one of HIV's most common infectious partners.
In-Hospital Deaths Down for HIV Patients
In the 1980s , people with HIV weren't allowed to enter intensive care units because they were too close to death. But now, more and more HIV patients are coming out of the ICU alive.
A Miracle Pill For HIV Prevention? Not So
The first pill approved by the FDA for preventing HIV in healthy patients doesn't come without concern. Experts worry that the drug does more harm than good.
Mother's Milk Secret to Stopping HIV
HIV can be transmitted from mother to her child through nursing. But a surprising ingredient in an HIV-positive mother's milk may protect her baby against infection.
At Home HIV-Test Considered
Taking an HIV test is the first step to protecting yourself and others from the life-threatening virus. Soon, you might be able to learn your status in the comfort of your own home.
FDA Discovers Autoimmune Mechanism for Drug Reactions
A team of researchers led by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has discovered a new mechanism for identifying and understanding drug-related autoimmune reactions.
Baby Boomers: Get Tested for Hep C
Are you a member of the baby boomer generation? Next time you go to the doctor, they may recommend getting tested for hepatitis C.
Young Women Not Going All the Way
Since 2006, the human papillomavirus ( HPV ) has been suggested for girls and young women to cut their risks of developing cervical cancer. Young men are also being urged to complete the 3-shot series.
So You're Pregnant? Get Tested!
Not enough pregnant women are being screened for the two most common sexually transmitted diseases in the United States, chlamydia and gonorrhea, putting themselves and their newborns at risk.
Liver Cancer's Inheritance
The link between viruses that cause hepatitis and the development of cancer is believed to be why several areas in Asia have higher rates of liver cancer. New research indicates that may not be the full story.