Health News

Increasing Knowledge of HIV
National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NNHAAD) will be celebrated on March 20 in Native communities across the country.
Controlling HIV
A diagnosis of HIV is no longer a death sentence. A recent study hinted that HIV treatments have progressed to a point at which many patients may have a normal life expectancy.
Fewer Teens Vaccinated for HPV
Vaccines are important for babies, but teens should stay up to date on their vaccines as well. This is especially true for the tetanus, pertussis, meningitis and HPV vaccines.
Sparking HIV/AIDS Awareness in Women
The National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day was celebrated this week on March 10. To mark the day, various organizations joined together to boost public knowledge and understanding of the impact this disease has on women.
Gonorrhea Rates Way Up in England **bob**
The bugs are fighting back: a certain STD strain has increased resistance to common drug treatments across England and Wales.
First Baby Cured of HIV
The first documented case of a child being cured of HIV was announced this morning. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Approximately 1,000 children worldwide are infected each day with HIV.
Hard of Hearing with HIV
Many patients living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have reported having some type of hearing impairment. Up to now, it hasn’t been clear if these patients are actually at a higher risk for hearing loss.
Dr. Koop – Former Surgeon General – Has Died
He’s probably the most famous Surgeon General who ever served this country. Dr. C. Everett Koop has died at the age of 96. The cause of his death is unknown.
HIV Testing Recommended for All
Should all people get an HIV test, or just people at high risk? These questions are at the heart of long debate about HIV testing. And the debate may be coming to an end.
Talk About Birth Control
Mom, what do you think about "the pill?" Whether or not kids ask their parents about birth control, parents certainly have their opinions.