Health News
How Does HIV Affect Menopause?
Recent advances in HIV treatment have allowed more HIV-infected women to live through and past menopause. But not much is known about the effects of HIV on menopause.
What Your Sexual Past May Mean in Pregnancy
Any time you visit a new doctor's office, you are generally asked to fill out your medical history. This information can be particularly important for OB/GYNs when you are pregnant.
Mystery Surrounds HPV Vaccination Patterns
Cervical cancer isn’t all that common in this country anymore. Virtually all of the cases that do develop arise because of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Two vaccines are available to attack the major cancer-causing strains of this virus. But not all young women get vaccinated.
Who Should Get Tested For HIV?
Early detection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is extremely important because disease management will be easier, more efficient and cost less. But how do you know if you should get tested?
Rx to Protect HIV Patients from TB
People with HIV have weakened immune systems, so they are more likely to catch harmful diseases like tuberculosis. However, new research suggests that a certain prevention therapy could significantly reduce that risk.
Combining Treatments for Hep C
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) can cause serious liver disease which may require a liver transplant. And according to the authors of a new study, many cases of HCV in the US are among hard-to-treat patients with serious health issues — something not always represented in studies of this virus.
The Benefits of Exercise for Adults with HIV
There have been advances in HIV treatment in recent years, yet nearly half of all people infected with HIV experience life-changing, reduced brain function. New research suggests that exercise could make a big difference for these patients.
FDA Approves New Drug to Treat HIV Infection
The US Food and Drug Administration today approved Tivicay ( dolutegravir ), a new drug to treat HIV-1 infection.
Rapid Diagnostic Test to Detect Both HIV-1 Antigen and HIV-1/2 Antibodies
The US Food and Drug Administration today approved the first rapid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test for the simultaneous detection of HIV-1 p24 antigen as well as antibodies to both HIV-1 and HIV-2 in human serum, plasma, and venous or fingerstick whole blood specimens.
Hepatitis is a Global Concern
Ask some people to name the world's most dangerous diseases and they just may tick off several illnesses that dominate health news headlines. Hepatitis also should be on their radar, according to organizers of World Hepatitis Day.