Health News

FDA Recommends Approval of Tofacitinib
Pfizer Inc. announced that the Arthritis Advisory Committee to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) voted 8-2 to recommend approval of the investigational agent tofacitinib for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Shows Positive Results
Roche announced that the SUMMACTA study met its primary endpoint, showing comparable efficacy of the subcutaneous (SC) formulation of RoACTEMRA ( tocilizumab , known as ACTEMRA outside Europe) 162 mg weekly compared to 8 mg/kg RoACTEMRA intravenous (IV) formulation every 4 weeks.
High Infection Risk in Kids with RA
For many children with rheumatoid arthritis, drug treatment is one of the few ways to stop the pain. Some of these medications, however, may be raising patients' risk of infection.
Spotting Spinal Arthritis Early
Ankylosing spondylitis is not the most common cause of back pain. As such, it might be over-the-top to screen every back pain patient for ankylosing spondylitis . So, how can doctors more easily spot those with the disease?
Arthritis Anxiety
Arthritis affects an estimated 50 million people in the United States alone. Physical joint pain may not be the only negative effect, psychological disorders may accompany arthritis as well.
Why Do Women with RA Start Treatment Later?
If there is one thing that makes us different from one another, it is our gender. For whatever reason, diseases can affect women differently than men. Doctors may need to consider this when choosing treatment.
Fighting Spondylitis the Natural Way
If you have ankylosing spondylitis , you know the symptoms can come and go. But when you are feeling it, the pain can be crippling. While medications can help you manage pain and swelling, there are also natural ways to get your condition under control.
Humira: Early Response, Future Success
Doctors want to know if the drugs they prescribe to their ankylosing spondylitis patients are helping. If they are not seeing positive results, they may want to change course as soon as possible.
Scientists Discover New Lupus Genes
A crucial part of treating disease is knowing what causes disease. Sometimes, environmental factors cause disease. In other cases, it is genetic, as shown by the recent discovery of three new lupus genes.
Gone With Rofecoxib, gut Risk the Same
Sometimes, your body can react negatively when you stop taking certain drugs. If a drug gets pulled off the market, you may have no choice but to stop.