Health News

Science Says Take Your Asthma Medication
Pharmaceutical companies don't just make up dosing instructions on a whim. A new study highlights the importance of using asthma medication as prescribed because it will help reduce symptoms.
Cockroaches and Mice are Asthma's BFF
Cockroaches and mice are not just pests but are also a cause for allergic reactions. A new study shows it is common for children with asthma to be sensitive to cockroaches or mice.
COPD Treatment a Clinical Trial Success
Patients with moderate-to-severe COPD may have a new treatment option on the way. A new drug has been generating positive results in clinical trials and could improve lung function and ease symptoms.
Asthma Treatment Improves Your Quality of Life
Any treatment or medication should improve quality of life and ease symptoms. For severe asthma patients, one treatment is shown to not only improve quality of life but also reduce hospitalization.
Using Asthma Medication More Than Ever
Over the past 20 years, the number of children with asthma has increased. Luckily, the number of children getting preventative treatment has also increased.
Pollen Can Trigger Childhood Asthma
Do you know how much pollen it takes to trigger asthma symptoms? Turns out the answer is not that much at all.
Uncovering Asthma and Allergy Triggers
For asthma and allergies most of the news is about new ways to manage rather than treat it. Scientists have made the first steps in understanding how asthma and allergies work which can lead to some new treatment options.
Treating Childhood Wheeze Periodically Proves Effective
Parents whose children have frequent wheezing may now have several treatment options available to them. At the first sign of a respiratory tract infection, periodic medication was just as effective as daily treatments for wheezing.
Asthma Programs Fall Flat in Baltimore
The pediatric asthma of minorities and low-income families is often under-treated. Despite best efforts, two Baltimore initiatives have not helped improve that situation.
Does Vitamin D Treat Asthma?
Vitamin D has been making news of late, helping diabetics and menopausal women. It's effectiveness as a supplement may extend to asthma patients.