Health News

The Challenges of Young Adult Asthma
With asthma, sometimes the simple act of breathing can be a real challenge. For young adults with asthma, the transition from living with parents to moving out on their own may present another challenge: maintaining access to asthma care.
Price of Fame at the Expense of Longer Life
Success and fame can come with a hefty price: living a shorter life. Researchers said fame and achievements in performance-related careers could come at the cost of a shorter life expectancy.
A Spicy Dare Not Worth Taking
Truth or dare is an age-old game that will never wear out in childhood and adolescence. Often, the game involves harmless fun. But some dares should never be taken.
COPD Med Closer to Pharmacy Shelves
For patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), breathing can become a difficult task. Once diagnosed, many COPD patients are treated with medications. And now these patients soon may have another treatment option.
Biking the Distance Minus Nose Troubles
Saving on gas and keeping the body active are a couple of benefits to biking to school and work. But riding alongside motorized traffic comes with its risks.
COPD: Working Out to Breathe In
If you have trouble breathing because of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), exercise might be the last thing on your mind. Be that as it may, exercise is crucial to your lung function and quality of life. So if you don't get up and get moving, you may be letting COPD take control of your life.
Fat vs. Fiber in Breathing Flow
Allergies, sports, cold and a number of conditions can stir up problems for people with asthma. A fatty diet with little fiber may add to the problems.
Does Baby Formula Need Prebiotics?
Prevention of allergies in children is a murky science. Some parents may add prebiotic supplements to baby formula in the hopes that the prebiotics could reduce allergy risk.
The Traffic Wheeze
Parents who are concerned about their children’s safety already caution them not to play around cars. New research may give them another reason to keep their kids away from traffic.
Breathing Better and Soaking Up Sun
Could catching more rays help you breathe better? According to a recent Korean study, it may be possible.