Health News

Advances in IVF
In 1981, the first U.S. baby was born through in vitro fertilization. Scientists and doctors have come a long way since then. Today the procedure is more efficient than ever for families unable to conceive.
Nutrition Affects Unborn Babys Immune System
Pregnant moms know that nutrition during pregnancy can impact a baby’s growth. But did you know that what you take into your body before you’re pregnant may be able to help your baby fight off disease?
Flu Vaccine Protects Newborns in Multiple Ways-EMBARGOED 21-Feb-2012 12:00 ET
The flu vaccine can do more than protect a pregnant mother and her baby from the flu. It also appears to reduce the risk of having an underweight baby.
Pregnancy Complications Can Predict Heart Disease
Pregnancy-related complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia may not just put your health at risk in the short term. Such pregnancy disorders also may affect your risk of heart disease later in life.
Mom's Double Whammy: Migraines and Colic
What's worse than a decapitating migraine for a new mom? The nonstop crying of her colicky newborn every night. Turns out the two might be linked.
Heart at Risk After Birth Complications
Women with pregnancy complications like diabetes or high blood pressure may not be in the clear after giving birth. They need to consider cardiovascular risks down the road.
Detecting Birth Defects on the Horizon
Doctors may soon be able to screen for a disorder with potentially fatal heart problems, giving doctors a better opportunity to immediately treat babies born with the condition.
RA and Lupus Reduce Fertility
Living with an autoimmune disease poses many problems for women. For women who are diagnosed during their reproductive years, it may affect your childbearing choices and your ability to have a baby.
A Pregnant Woman's Best Friend
Gaining too much extra weight while pregnant can cause problems for mother and baby alike. One solution might be to bring in a third party - a dog.
Expectant Moms: Avoid the Heavy Metal
If you're expecting, it's worth investing in a lead inspection of your home. A recent study revealed that inspections before a baby's birth reduce the likelihood they'll get lead poisoning.