Health News

Nursing Moms Should not Avoid Cow's Milk
Nursing moms who avoid milk in hopes of reducing their babies’ risk for food allergies should think twice: A new study finds that it may increase your baby’s risk for food allergies.
Preemie Breathing Treatment Ineffective
Preemies often struggle with breathing problems, so some hospitals give them nitric oxide to help with breathing. But recent evidence shows this gas treatment may not be any help.
A Closer Look at Breastfeeding Habits
Official medical recommendations are to breastfeed babies exclusively for a baby's first six months, but is this too lofty a goal for some women? What happens when reality meets idealism?
Tiny Baby = Later Heart Trouble for Mom?
Having a baby classified as small for his or her age might mean more than tiny onesies . It's also an indication that mom should watch out for later developing heart disease.
Oh Baby! Treating Labor Pains
Among the most painful rites of passage for moms is the first one: labor. But with the many methods available for reducing labor pain, which ones has research proven most effective?
Preemies' Brains Related to Mom's Gains
Extremely premature babies are already at high risk for impaired brains, but those born to obese mothers may be at even more a disadvantage.
Heartbeat Mix is Music to Preemies' Ears
There's no place like home, but for newborns, there's no going back to the womb. Rocking out to mama music, however, appears to be good for their health, especially for preemies.
Preemies Breathe Better With new Rx
Newborns who arrive early often face respiratory problems since their lungs may not yet be fully developed. A new drug approved by the FDA joins four others to treat these problems.
Let Babies Determine Arrival Time
Though more women worldwide are planning inductions or cesarean sections to give birth around specific schedules, evidence reveals it's safest to wait until the baby is ready to arrive.
Alcohol While Pregnant is Worse Than Cocaine or Pot
Children exposed to as little as half an alcoholic drink a day in utero - even if they didn't have fetal alcohol syndrome - appeared to suffer in their achievement test scores.