Health News

Don't Miss a Chance at Disease Protection
Many parents are aware of the vaccines that babies are recommended to get through their second birthday. But fewer parents may realize that teens should stay up to date with immunizations too.
Preemptive Strike Against Polio in Israel
Polio is a virus that the world has largely beaten. However, lingering pockets of the disease still pose a serious threat.
A Sight for Sore Eyes
Improvements in medical technology and knowledge have meant tremendous progress in taking care of babies born extremely early and/or small. But many of these children still may face future challenges.
Even for Tots, Sugary Drinks Mean More Pounds
A tall cup of "bug juice" may call to mind memories of lazy summers during your childhood. But children today have many more options for sugary drinks — and it's making a difference to their waistlines.
Parents, Teach Your Children About Smoking
"Do as I say, not as I do," may be an attractive saying for parents, but it may not work very well. When it comes to smoking in particular, children often follow their parents' examples.
The Stuff You Want Snuffed Out
They say where there's smoke, there's fire. But even if there's not smoke, there could still be a problem — when you're talking about tobacco and kids, that is.
Active Child Makes for an Active Heart
It’s not news that physical activity is good for the body and can prevent a number heart and health problems in adults. The  same thing can now be said for kids — that  exercise and physical activity could protect young ones from  heart disease. 
Kindergartner Vaccination Rates Look Good
It is recommended that parents protect their children from disease by making sure the kids are up to date on their immunizations. High numbers of American parents are following this medical advice.
More US Babies Getting the Breast
Perhaps you have heard the phrase "breast is best," referring to breastfeeding babies. Apparently more women in the US are hearing this message.
How Mom's State of Mind Affects Obesity
It can be challenging to raise children to be healthy, nutritious eaters. It may be tougher when mom has her own challenges to face. But options are available to help with both.