Health News
Breastfeeding Struggles Matter for Women
The majority of women expecting their first child plan to breastfeed, based on past research. But their plans don't always work out as they expect.
Fighting the Bug that Fights Back
When a person develops a bacterial infection, healthcare workers usually provide antibiotics to help fight the infection. But some bacteria have adapted and can fight off the antibiotics.
Sleep Apnea Risks Not Only for Adults
People with sleep apnea experience pauses in their breathing or shallow breaths while they sleep. In adults, the condition has been linked to diabetes and heart disease, but that link is less clear in younger people with sleep apnea.
A Leg Up on Learning: Exercise, Study or Both?
Kids might rather be running around outside instead of preparing for that next test, but both play and study can help the brain. That is, physical fitness and quizzing could help the child learn better in the long run.
Kids' Food Allergy Care Costs Add Up
Having a child with a medical condition can often take an emotional toll on families. Yet these medical conditions can also take a significant financial toll as well.
Teens Doubling and Tripling Their Alcohol Intake
Concerns about teenage alcohol use have existed for a long time — and with good reason. But it may surprise some people to learn just how much some high school students drink.
The Good and Bad News About Teen Weight
A wide range of public health campaigns have promoted healthier behaviors for teens. These include watching TV less, eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking less soda.
The Mysterious Aches of Bullying
As bullying receives more attention, researchers are learning more about its possible effects on children. The long-term effects may be more than emotional or psychological. They could be physical as well.
Getting Babies Home Sooner After Lung Infections
The sooner a baby can recover from a lung infection, the better the child will likely be in the long-term. This may be especially true if the child is at risk for asthma.
When Surgery Isn't a Cure-All for Sleep Apnea
The earlier a serious sleep condition can be treated, the more likely a person is to avoid other health problems from that condition. For children with one sleep disorder, one treatment may not always be enough.