Health News

Aggressive Trio to Treat Juvenile Arthritis
Kids as young as toddlers can develop arthritis. Finding the right treatment may help ensure that young lives are not sidelined by this disease, which can affect youths' eyes, joints or other body parts.
Another Risk for Babies of Smoking Moms
Women have been told it's important not to smoke while they're pregnant. Some women may not realize how much smoking in pregnancy might affect their children later on.
Flu Vaccine Rates Lower Than Desired
For years, health officials have been aiming to increase rates of flu vaccination across the US each flu season. While new data shows that more and more people seem to be getting vaccinated, the rates of the increases are slower than desired.
Sleepless Nights May Mean Sick Days
Teenagers are famous for having erratic sleeping patterns. But those who aren't getting enough sleep may be setting themselves up for illness.
Treating Pediatric Uveitis with Humira
Uveitis is a condition in which inflammation occurs deep inside the eye. In children, the condition is more likely to lead to blindness than in adults. For this reason, finding the right treatment for children is critical.
Tobacco Flavors Keep Teens Smoking
Flavored tobacco products may mislead teens about the harms of smoking. By masking the harshness of tobacco, minors might not understand that the risks are still the same.
A Flu Shot for the Heart
The main purpose of the flu vaccine is to protect against influenza. But it may offer other benefits as well.
Exercise Earns an A+
The next time your children want to play outside for an extra 30 minutes, you might want to let them. More exercise now could lead to better grades in the future.
Bottle-Feeding Tied to Tummy Troubles for Baby
Some conditions that babies can develop soon after birth may be very rare but require surgery. It can be helpful to know what might increase the risks for these conditions.
ADHD Related to Bathroom Issues for Kids
Taking care of a child with ADHD can present various challenges. And one of those challenges could be related to bathroom trips.