Health News

Growing Relationships A Child at a Time
It's a staple of mental and emotional health that you must know how to build and maintain healthy relationships with others. But foster students lack this luxury.
A Mistake You Don't Want to Make
One of the most dangerous medications in your medicine cabinet could be one of the most common. In fact, it may be something you use a couple times a week.
What Not to Use for Teething Pain
Perhaps the only thing worse than dealing with a teething child is not knowing how to lessen the pain. Yet one of the most common medical remedies might not be best for your little one.
Better Sleep for Leaner Kids
Helping an obese child lose weight can do more than reduce playground teasing. It could also reduce a child's likelihood of having sleep apnea or metabolic syndrome.
Bread and Brain Cancer
One of the most important parts of medical science in pregnancy has been showing the effects of the maternal environment on the developing child. 
Mother’s Loss May Affect Infant
When a mother experiences a traumatic loss, her behavior toward and around her infant may interfere healthy development.  New research may offer moms and their babies help through a loss.
Air Pollution and Asthma Don't Mix
Pregnant moms, listen up: Stay away from areas with high air pollution. It can hurt your growing baby, especially if your child develops asthma.
If It's "Just Right," Babies Will Learn
Goldilocks Baby tried the calculus problem but thought "Too hard!" She tried picking up a block. "Too easy!" She settled on putting rings on a post. "Just right!" And so babies learn.
Asthma Meds Tied to Heart Arrhythmias
A type of inhaled asthma medication appears to slightly increase the risk that children or young adults will develop a potentially deadly heart arrhythmia.
Mother's Milk Secret to Stopping HIV
HIV can be transmitted from mother to her child through nursing. But a surprising ingredient in an HIV-positive mother's milk may protect her baby against infection.