Health News

A Bit Too Much TV for Tots
Are you used to having the television on all the time, just for a little background noise? That may not be a big deal — unless you have small children in the home.
Baby Language Linked to Mom’s Mood
One of the concerns about taking antidepressants while pregnant is the possible effects on the baby. Surprisingly, these medications may help a baby's language development.
The Value of the Rotavirus Vaccine
The best reason to vaccinate your children is to protect them from disease. Comparing the time before a vaccine to the time afterward shows how effective those shots are.
Cold Turkey After Birth
Quitting smoking during pregnancy is thankfully becoming more common. But a lot of new moms go back to smoking within a year of giving birth. This is still dangerous for the baby!
One Fish, Two Fish, Go Low-Mercury Fish
One of the foods pregnant women need to watch out for is fish. They are advised to avoid fish with too much mercury. But eating fish with lower mercury levels might be a good idea.
Know Thy Neighbor… and His Parents
Teenagers' parents can make a difference in whether their kids drink, smoke or use marijuana, based on past research. But the parents of teens' friends play a part too.
Create a "Vaccine Cocoon" for Babies
The cases of whooping cough in the U.S. this year are the highest they have been since 1959. And the best way to protect the ones you love is to get the vaccine.
Steroids OK for Tonsil Surgery
Having your tonsils out as a child is a common procedure, but patients can experience nausea after surgery. Previous research has shown that drugs to treat nausea may increase bleeding. But a new study tells a different story.
HPV Vaccine Has No Serious Side Effects
Since vaccine safety is often on some parents' minds, it's valuable news when an additional safety study is released. One on the HPV vaccine has just been completed.
How Fit is Your Kid
Physical education teachers could have students count the number of push-ups and sit-ups they can do to see how fit they are. But there has been little evidence on which techniques work best to measure other areas of health in kids.