Health News
19 Percent Have High Blood Pressure
Typically developed over a number of years, high blood pressure is a common health concern for many individuals. Many patients commonly wait until they are older to worry about getting checked regularly.
Less Coffee, Less Beer, Less Pressure
Sometimes, there is nothing you can do to protect yourself from disease. However, simply changing some of your habits can help you avoid other health problems like high blood pressure.
Taking out Tonsils for Kids' Hearts
Hey, kids! Do you want to eat ice cream for a week and protect your heart health? Well, research shows that getting your tonsils removed might let you do just that.
Smoke Puts the Pressure on Boys
Once again, research is showing that second-hand smoke can seriously affect those who breathe it. Second-hand smoke may even have a lasting effect on children, according to a recent study.
High Blood Pressure: A Good Sign?
High blood pressure is usually seen as a bad thing. However, high blood pressure may be a good sign for kidney cancer patients being treated with Sunitinib.
Lowdown: Uric acid and High Blood Pressure
Doctors have known for a while that people with high levels of uric acid can also have high blood pressure.
Please Pass the Salt, My Heart'll Be Okay
Salt is in so many of the foods we eat. People fear that eating too much salt can raise their blood pressure, increasing the risk for other problems like heart disease. However, recent research shows that there may not be so much to worry about.
Taking Meds Not as Easy as It Sounds
Dealing with high blood pressure doesn't stop when you get a prescription. You actually have to take the drugs your doctor gives you. Getting people to stick to their blood pressure drugs is a common problem.
Reducing the Pressure for the Elderly
High blood pressure is very common among the elderly in the United States. As the population grows older, it becomes more important for people to learn how to control their blood pressure. For this reason, experts have written new guidelines keeping blood pressure down.
Cup-O-Joe Doesn't Affect Blood Flow
People love their coffee. So, when news comes out that drinking too many 'cups of joe ' could be bad for your heart health, some coffee drinkers are naturally disappointed.