Health News

Keys to Unlocking Multiple Myeloma Resistance
People living with the blood cancer multiple myeloma typically take two drugs in combination. The problem is these drugs don't work with every person and tend to fade in effectiveness over time.
Deadly Sepsis Mechanism Identified
When patients, often those who are hospitalized in grave condition, develop sepsis, the potentially deadly bloodstream infection causes massive cell death. Now scientists have pinpointed how that happens.
Fish Oil Possible Solution for Leukemia
You've heard about the health benefits of fish oil. What this oil contains - Omega 3 fatty acids - are good for your  heart, joints, eyes and brain. Researchers think a compound found in the natural substance may be able to fight off a type of cancer.
Genetic Test Not Necessary Before Taking Plavix
After an artery-opening procedure following a heart attack, some patients take Plavix ( clopidogrel ) to treat or prevent a blood clot. Though the drug isn't as effective in some individuals, genetic testing is not needed, a recent study suggests.
Immune Cells Tactics: Divide and Conquer
Scientists understand the big picture of how vaccines work in the body but not all the specifics at the cellular level. Now they have discovered one more piece of the puzzle.
Sepsis May Bring on Immune Dysfunction
For patients, a diagnosis of sepsis, a potentially deadly bloodstream infection, may be frightening enough. Those individuals may also be at risk of immune system impairment.
Waging War Against Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
A possible new front runner is emerging in the drug war against chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ). While still considered experimental, this drug is showing itself to be a powerful agent against advanced forms of the disease.
Fewer Blood Transfusions Needed After Surgery
Blood transfusions during surgery are common, especially for elderly patients. Doctors say the problem is they may be too common.
Unlocking Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Resistance
Gleevec ( imatinib ) has transformed the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ). The problem is, this drug stops working at some point in many patients. A drug under development, combined with another currently available medication, may offer patients new options.
Masquerading Leukemias
It doesn't happen commonly, though some diseases can present themselves as other diseases. Scientists now know this sometimes happens with two forms of leukemia.