Health News

Dodging Blood Clots During Pregnancy
Blood clots are among the rarer health issues that can occur during pregnancy. Though they are uncommon, it's helpful to know which women are at the highest risk for developing one.
No Need to Fear Lupus Medications
Fear that the treatment for one condition might cause another condition, like cancer, could prevent people from taking needed medications. But should this be a concern for lupus patients?
Battling Fatigue Decades Later
Being tired after any type of cancer therapy is to be expected. Some survivors of childhood cancer, though, can still be battling fatigue many years later.
Closing in On Why Kids Get Cancer
With some forms of cancer, race matters. New research may explain why Hispanic children are more prone to a type of blood cancer.
Does Stroke Rx Cause Excess Bleeding?
People with abnormal heart rhythms are at a higher risk of getting blood clots, which can cause a stroke. A blood-thinning medication may help. But some questions remain if these medications cause the bleeding.
What We Know About Iron Supplements
Parents often worry if their children are getting all the nutrients they need. Vitamins and supplements help fill in the gaps, but only if those supplements actually benefit a child.
Closing In on a Cure
Someone diagnosed with any type of leukemia in the early 1960s had about a 14 percent chance of being alive five years later. Today, those chances are vastly greater. 
From Wheeze to Clot
People with asthma know that they need to be on alert for asthma attacks to make sure they get the treatment they need. A recent study showed that they may also need to look out for signs of blood clots.
Balancing Between Blood Clots and Bleeding
Aspirin is often used with prescription medicine to prevent blood clots after some medical procedures. But new evidence suggests dropping the aspirin to prevent bleeding.
More Iron, Less PMS
Iron can reduce fatigue and prevent anemia. Now, women may have another reason to add more of the mineral to their diet: to ease PMS symptoms.