Health News
Allergies Linked to Higher Blood Cancer Risks in Women
Living with allergies can be annoying. Now, a study has found that women with common allergies may possibly have more than itchy eyes and sneezing to worry about.
News Childhood Cancer Survivors Can Take to Heart
Therapies that are successful in wiping out childhood leukemia can impact the health of survivors years down the road. New research found that heart problems can begin to appear in survivors even during childhood.
When Babies Don't Get Vitamin K
The more that has been learned about the first few days of a baby's life, the more doctors understand about how to keep newborns healthy. But parents are partners in treatment too.
Boosting Blood Cancer Survival
Lymphomas are blood cancers that start in the cells of the immune system. Burkitt’s lymphoma is a particularly aggressive form of the disease. New research may have discovered a better way to treat it.
New Rx for Blood Cancer Approved
Mantle cell lymphoma is a rare, but aggressive form of blood cancer. It’s a form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Patients with this disease got a new treatment option today.
Treating Blood Cancer During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is such an exciting time in a woman’s life. She’s caring for herself and the child growing inside her. Sometimes, but not often, this bliss is interrupted with a cancer diagnosis. A recent study looked at treating blood cancers during pregnancy.
Watching for Blood Clots in Pregnancy
When a woman is pregnant, the hormones her body makes can increase her risk of experiencing a blood clot. Other factors might increase this risk further.
Time of Anti-Clotting Therapy With Stents
Mesh tubes called stents can help keep blood vessels open in people with blocked arteries. To prevent blood clots from forming in stents, patients take anti-clotting agents, but it has not been clear how long this therapy should last.
New Thinking on Childhood Cancer Survivors
Thanks to treatment advances, the vast majority of children diagnosed with leukemia are living well into adulthood. But the powerful treatment, while effective against the cancer, can cause some health problems later in life. A new study looked at the treatment-related effects on survivors’ mental functions.
FDA Asks for Halt in Sales of Blood Cancer Rx
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked the maker of a medication that has been used to treat two types of leukemia to stop selling that product.