Health News

Better Kid Munchies Lead to Healthier Adults
We all know that eating healthy is better for kids; more fruits, vegetables and fibers, combined with limiting fats and sugars, is better for growing bodies.
Body Fat in Obese May Be Toxic
Some obese patients develop conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, while others manage to avoid such chronic diseases. That may be because all obesity is not the same.
Eating Away Cholesterol Levels
Eating right and exercising are essential elements in maintaining heart health, but achieving that is sometimes difficult. Do low fat diets or foods with cholesterol lowering properties work best?
The Low Down on Down Low Testosterone
By the age of 35, men's testosterone levels begin to drop by one or two percent each year. By the age of 50, 30% of men are already below the normal testosterone range and that number increases as years advance.
Gout Gets the Royal Treatment
Gout, formerly linked with Europe's royal families, has made its way to middle America. Since 1990, U.S. cases have increased by 50 percent, making it a modern-day royal pain in the joints.
Belly Fat Predicts Heart Disease
Not all fat is created equal, especially when it comes to men with excessive weight around the middle. Some with added belly fat may be at an increased risk of developing heart disease and other serious health problems.
A Better Choice Than Low Fat
A diet low in fat seems like an easy way to reduce your risk of heart disease. It might be easy, but research suggests it isn't all that effective. Instead, a modified-fat diet may be the best way to go.
Egg Yolks Aren't All Bad
Egg whites are known to be the healthy part of an egg, while egg yolks are often discarded because they seem to lack nutritional value and increase risk for diseases. This may not be completely true.
Overweight kids develop more psoriasis
Overweight children have a significantly higher prevalence of psoriasis - and they are also at higher risk for heart disease that starts in childhood with higher cholesterol levels.
The Chocolate Curse Has Lifted!
Just when you thought a healthy lifestyle meant eating nuts, fruits, and vegetables, medical manna has come straight down from heaven. Move over veggies, Momma needs her chocolate!