Health News

Vascular Health Test For Dementia Risk
Sometimes, certain medical tools are found to do more than they were intended. For example, one test for heart disease and stroke may also come in handy when assessing dementia risk.
Machines Don’t Top Rx in Stroke Battle
Time is of the essence when it comes to stroke. While clot-busting drugs work for about half of patients, scientists have had high hopes for mechanical devices designed to break up clots.
Stroke Care Extends Its Reach Via Video
Less populated areas may not have access to stroke specialists in person. Stroke patients, however, can now get lifesaving expertise—long distance—through video conferencing.
Obesity Breaks Young Female Hearts
When body mass index is high, so is the likelihood of heart attack or stroke. Obesity, however, isn’t just an older person’s problem. The threat extends to individuals who are much younger.
Does Stroke Rx Cause Excess Bleeding?
People with abnormal heart rhythms are at a higher risk of getting blood clots, which can cause a stroke. A blood-thinning medication may help. But some questions remain if these medications cause the bleeding.
Coffee, Tea or Stroke?
Enjoy coffee or green tea in the morning? Now you may have more reason to pour a cup. Although there are still conflicting opinions, a huge study found these beverages may be stroke reducers.
Bowel Woes Linked to Heart Troubles
Symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be painful and interfere with a good quality of life. Recent research suggests that IBD symptoms may also be linked to heart health.
Southern Diet May Raise Stroke Risk
Fried chicken, ham, lots of butter and sweet tea are all staples of a traditional Southern diet. Although they're tasty, these foods may raise the risk of stroke.
Stroke Strikes Again with Dementia
When a patient suffers a stroke, he or she has a significant risk of having another one down the road. Knowing which symptoms can predict the second stroke can help docs and families prepare. 
The Clock Is Ticking When Stroke Strikes
When a person has a stroke, a clot in an artery blocks blood flow to the brain. For the best recovery results, patients need to receive treatment fast.