Health News

Men's Hormone Therapy May Be Risky for the Heart
Properly balanced hormones deliver benefits such as strong bones and healthy sexual function. Restoring natural hormones lost due to illness or aging with hormone supplements is an option, but it may carry risks.
Stroke Prevention Surgery May Backfire
To prevent repeat strokes, surgeons are adapting the same methods used to open blocked heart arteries to open brain arteries. This technique, however, may not be as safe as more traditional therapies.
Heavy Drinking and Hangovers Tied to Stroke
Waking up with a hangover can leave you with a headache for the rest of the day. Recent research suggests that it also may lead to lasting damage to blood vessels.
Blood Clot Busters for Stroke Patients
Stroke treatments have largely focused on how to minimize the level of disability after stroke. And a recent study may have pinpointed a new way to do just that.
Stroke Numbers Rise Among Young People
Stroke is often thought of as a condition that affects older people. While the rate of stroke deaths has dropped over 20 years, strokes among young and middle-aged people have steadily risen.
High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy Linked to Later Stroke
As a child grows up, a mom's memory of the pregnancy and delivery tends to fade over time. But some pregnancy complications may be important to recall later.
Weighing Procedures for Clogged Arteries
Stenting is a common procedure to treat blocked arteries. While the benefits may outweigh possible complications, stenting still poses risks, including a higher chance of stroke in older patients.
Knowing Stroke Signs Can Save Lives
In the US, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds. To lower that rate, the American Stroke Association is urging people to learn the stroke warning signs for World Stroke Day on October 29.
Stroke Can Curb Life Quality
A stroke can impair a person's ability to perform daily functions, which may affect their quality of life. Improving quality of life after a stroke has been a focus of healthcare providers.
Diabetes-Related Diseases Linked to Stroke
For patients with type 1 diabetes, keeping a close eye on blood sugar levels and managing their disease is a part of everyday life. A recent study may give these patients another reason to stay on top of their medical care.