Health News
How Many Children Are Taking ADHD Medication?
ADHD medication prescriptions have become more and more common in the United States. Doctors are now using these medications to treat a variety of psychiatric disorders.
Parents Team Up with Doctors for ADHD
With many medical conditions, a variety of treatments may be available to choose from. Parents can sometimes play a role in helping doctors select appropriate treatments for their child.
Don't Blame the Game
Video games often get a bad rep for causing all sorts of problems among youth. Violence in games especially concerns some people, but is the concern justified?
No School Worries for Slightly Early Arrivals
Being born extremely early has been linked to some developmental problems. But there is less to worry about if a child is born just a little early.
How are Allergies Linked to ADHD?
There has been some evidence that children with ADHD may be more likely to have asthma or allergies as well. New research looked to examine the issue.
Exercise Role Models
Childhood obesity is a common problem for many children with special needs. Both an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise contribute to this problem. Parents may be able to change at least one of those unhealthy habits by setting a good example.
When Video Gaming Gets Too Serious
Video games can be great for having fun, and they can even help develop spatial and problem-solving skills. But too much of a good thing might be a problem for some kids.
FDA Permits Marketing Test to Help Assess Children and Teens for ADHD
The US Food and Drug Administration today allowed marketing of the first medical device based on brain function to help assess attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents 6 to 17 years old.
Some Kids’ Head Injuries Heal Slower
When your kid is out biking, playing baseball or doing some other physical activity, you may worry about their safety, especially if he or she has a mental health condition.
Black and White Realities of ADHD
ADHD can be a challenging disorder for children if they do not receive treatment. Getting treatment requires that they be accurately identified in the first place.