Health News
Which Kids Should Take Antipsychotics?
Some medications can be used to treat multiple conditions, especially in mental health. But drugs are also sometimes prescribed for conditions they aren't approved to treat.
It’s All in the Way You Look at It
Diagnosing some brain disorders requires testing that can be expensive and complicated. What if something as simple as the way a person moves their eyes could show if they had Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), Parkinson’s disease (PD) or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder ( FASD )?
Paying Attention to Adult ADHD
Everyone has trouble focusing from time to time, but for those with ADHD, the issue can place a large amount of strain and struggle on everyday life.
Give Your Brain a Break
" Buzzzzz !" A new text message. "Ding!" Another instant message. " Bloop !" A new email. And then you hear the music of your phone's ringtone. When does your brain ever get to rest?
Beyond ADHD
ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can cause a variety of behavioral problems among children on its own. However, new research is showing a potential connection between ADHD and other issues as these children enter adolescence.
ADHD Treatment May Reduce Smoking Risk
Did you know that kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to start smoking? The question is whether seeking treatment early in life can decrease this risk.
Filling Prescriptions Before It’s Time
One of the more difficult forms of drug abuse to control among teens is prescription drug abuse. Prescription drugs, like stimulants prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can be abused for recreational purposes.
Girls With ADHD
Girls with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tend to have impulse control issues. Impulsive behavior can get out of hand pretty quickly.
Little Snorers Can Have Big Behaviors
It may seem cute sometimes when babies snore, like their adorable yawns and sneezes. But persistent snoring in children may be a sign of later behavior problems.
Long Term ADHD Drugs Appear Safe
Between five and seven percent of adolescents in the US are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, little is known about the long-term effects of drugs used to treat ADHD.