Health News

Science Confirms Science: Smoking is Bad
Expectant mothers should be wary of second-hand smoke. Exposure to second-hand smoke has been shown to increase the risk of asthma and wheezing in children.
Air Pollution's Effect on Asthma
Air pollution is a concern for many but its effects on lung health is unknown. A new study sheds light on how what is in the air may affect the number of people with asthma or poor lung health.
Allergic Asthma? There's a Shot for That
Asthma treatment is getting a shot in its arm. A new study highlights how vaccination can be an effective alternative to inhalers.
Asthma Begins in Infancy
Asthma may have its beginnings in cute babies. In a new study, the development of asthma in children was associated with their lung health as newborns.
Out-of-Pocket Cost Deter Asthma Treatment
The out-of-pocket cost of a child's asthma puts a strain on a family's wallet and on the child's health. The cost of asthma treatment has led to reduced medicine use and more hospitalizations.
Asthma Gets its Close-up
If you can see it, you can treat it according to a new asthma study. Using a bronchoscope can be effective for hard-to-treat asthma.
Predicting Asthma in Middle-Aged Women
In a new study, low-levels of fat protein may predict future risk of developing asthma in middle-aged women. This predictive power was especially true for women who smoked.
Antibiotics and Asthma, an Adverse Relationship?
The rise of childhood asthma may be linked to antibiotic use. A new study focused on how antibiotics may prevent healthy immune system development leading to new cases of asthma.
Wiki Your Way to Better Asthma Management
Asthma action plans are a valuable asset for managing symptoms. A community-based wiki may allow even more asthma sufferers to use an action plan that's right for them.
Climate Change Heating Up Respiratory Diseases
Mild winters and warmer weather year round may have some negative side effects. A new position paper believes that climate change will be responsible for even more respiratory disease cases.