Health News
Alcohol Ads May Influence Underage Drinking
Just how much are underage youth affected by alcohol advertisements? The connection between magazine ads and underage drinking may be strong, according to the authors of a new study.
Risk Factors for Falling Asleep at the Wheel
Falling asleep behind the wheel is a dangerous situation. Preventing such situations requires knowing what can lead to drowsy driving — a topic that researchers recently explored.
Drinking Behind Many Early Deaths Each Year
Drinking may be seen as a way to relax, but in some cases it can easily become a serious issue. A new study suggests that excessive drinking may be leading to many early deaths in the US.
Teens Smoking Less, But Also Less Active
Parents can try to teach their kids safe habits, but when it comes down to it, teens will make their own decisions. The CDC has released new data on teens' potentially risky behaviors.
Guidelines Issued for Drug Testing in Teens
The teenage years are a common time for experimentation, which can include experimenting with alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
Report Exposes the Dangers of Alcohol
Many people drink alcohol in social settings, both for fun or as a way to unwind after a hard day. But the reality of alcohol consumption across the globe can make "happy hour" seem not so happy.
Rx Options for Cutting Alcohol Cravings
Alcohol abuse can take a toll on your physical and mental health. A fraction of those who abuse alcohol get treated, and fewer still are believed to receive medication that might help.
Many College Students Smoke Pot and Drive
Parents worry about their kids going off to college and drinking and driving. While this is a real concern, there may be another substance they should be worrying about.
Meeting UN Health Goals Could Save Millions of Lives
Some of the biggest killers worldwide are diseases that can largely be prevented: heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancers and diabetes. But it will require some effort.
Substance Abuse at School May Mean Other Problems
Although it's no secret that teens may experiment with alcohol or marijuana, more than 5 percent of them smoke pot or drink alcohol on school campuses.