Health News
Teen Substance Abuse Rates Dropped
Parents may breathe a little easier — fewer teens may be lighting up, getting high and binge drinking.
Blackouts After Boozing All Too Common in Teens
Families and schools can take steps to stop the risky business of teen drinking. Teens are one of the groups most prone to binge drinking — a practice that can lead to alcohol-related blackouts.
Head Trauma May Up Risk of Substance Abuse in Teens
Teens often engage in risky behaviors, but a head injury may mean double trouble, a new study found.
Effects of Drinking on Blood Pressure Varied in Young Adults
Drinking too much alcohol is known to cause health problems like liver disease and high blood pressure in adults. But a new study found that the effect of drinking on high blood pressure in young people may depend on their gender.
Alcohol Often Involved in ER Visits for Prescription Abuse
Alcohol and prescription medications can both be safe in moderation or as prescribed by a doctor. But their abuse and misuse can be dangerous or even deadly, says a new study.
Parents' Actions May Influence Age Children Try Alcohol
Past research has found that around two-thirds of US teens will drink alcohol by age 18. New research looks at reasons why kids start drinking in the first place.
Robin Williams Dead at 63
Oscar-winning actor and comic Robin Williams died at his home in Northern California August 11.
Alcohol Abuse Linked to Memory Loss
Alcohol has established medical links to liver damage, heart trouble and other conditions. But it could also eventually play a part in memory loss.
Energy Drink Cocktails May Increase Desire to Drink
Adding alcohol to energy drinks has become common, especially among young adults. New research suggests that this trend encourages people to drink more than they normally would.
Even Light Drinking Poses Risk to Heart
While heavy drinking has clearly been shown to be bad for overall health, much research has shown that moderate alcohol consumption can offer benefits for the heart. A new study, however, may change that notion.