Health News
Unclear if Behaviorial Interventions Can Curb Teen Drug Use
About one out of 10 teenagers uses illegal drugs or pharmaceutical medications for nonmedical purposes. And health professionals aren't sure what the solution to this public health problem is.
Teens Driving Drunk after Riding with Drunk Drivers
It's important to teach teens not to drive while under the influence. But there may be risk factors parents can watch for in doing so.
Lifestyle Now May Affect Colon Cancer Survival Later
Healthy diet and lifestyle choices reduce the risk for many diseases. What effect these pre-diagnosis choices have on survival after colon and rectal cancer has become clearer.
Hospital Visits for Opioid Overdose Might Spell More Trouble
Opioids are strong painkillers that can help manage pain when used properly. But they can cause serious harm, even death, when used inappropriately.
Patches Didn't Help Pregnant Women Quit Smoking
Smoking during pregnancy can result in serious health consequences for both the baby and mother. A recent study investigated if nicotine patches could help.
E-Cigarette Use Among Teens Doubled in One Year
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have been touted recently as an aid to stop smoking, but one new study suggests that e-cigarettes might lead young folks to smoke the real thing.
Binge Drinking Poses Risks Even for Moderate Drinkers
Binge drinking is a known health problem among heavy drinkers. Even people who drink less may face serious risks from episodes of heavy drinking.
New Pain Rx Sparking Controversy
A new pain medication recently became a controversial topic. While some say the medication will offer a new option to people in pain, others are concerned about potential dangers.
Kids of Older Fathers at Higher Psychological Risk
Waiting to have children is not uncommon, but there might be some consequences for the children if parents wait too long.
Even Before COPD, Smokers Exercised Less
Plenty of smokers also exercise and try to stay fit. But researchers behind a new study found that they still might not fare as well as non-smokers.