Health News
Smoking Affects More Than Your Lungs
Lung cancer and emphysema are usually at the top of the list of smoking risks, but there are many more ways smoking can harm the body.
Pregnant Mom Lights Up, Baby's Heart at Risk
It's not news that smoking during pregnancy is a bad idea. But researchers are still learning the various ways it can affect a developing baby.
Substance Abuse at School May Mean Other Problems
Although it's no secret that teens may experiment with alcohol or marijuana, more than 5 percent of them smoke pot or drink alcohol on school campuses.
Playing Games Lowered Nicotine Cravings
Quitting smoking is not easy and certainly isn’t a game, or is it? Challenging your mind with games might help with the quitting process.
FDA Likely to Start Regulating E-Cigarettes
E-cigarettes have been getting plenty of attention lately, and the debate surrounding them has grown. Now rules governing the products may become stricter.
Smoking Plus Drinking: A Cancerous Mix for the Esophagus
Drinking alcohol and smoking are often vices that go together. That combination of vices also may also except when discussing the risk for esophageal cancer.
Taking Steps to Reduce Smoking
Quitting smoking is a tough task for most smokers. One healthy activity might be a great place to start.
Deadly Consequences of Heavy Drinking Were Greater for Women
Many people like to relax after work with a drink or two. But for women, having a few too many can be a dangerous thing.
Smoking, Drinking and Body Posture
For some people, smoking and drinking go hand-in-hand. Those habits, however, may affect individuals’ ability to stand up or keep from falling down.
Drinking Habits Varied After Weight Loss Surgery
Previous research has suggested that people who have surgery to lose weight tend to drink more alcohol after the surgery, but new research suggests this may not be true.