Health News

The Weight of Social Factors
Negative emotions related to body image can weigh heavy on one's heart, but could these factors actually be related to physical weight as well?
Is Fasting the New Fat-Busting Fad?
It seems like weight loss trends change constantly – and there could be a new one on the horizon. However, with this new fad, the focus is not so much on what you eat, but on how long you don’t eat.
Say “I Do” the Healthy Way
Weddings are wonderful, but they can also be stressful and time consuming to put together. Couples have to remember to take care of their health before, during and after their nuptials.
Change Your Behavior, Lose the Weight
Losing weight can be tough for those who are obese. It can be an even tougher battle with a serious mental health disorder. But it is possible.
Live Longer, Avoid Accidents
The top causes of death in the US for people under 50 are not from disease. Extra caution while driving, saying no to drugs and leading a healthy lifestyle could go a long way to keep a person alive.
Lifestyle Linked to RA
While the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown, scientists are getting a better idea of what puts people at risk for this painful disease. It seems lifestyle may have a lot to do with that risk.
Breathing Heavy
Overweight or obese people undergoing a lung transplant may have increased risk for complications. Lung donors that smoked can hurt the odds too, but don’t refuse their lungs so quickly.
Weight Gain Vs. Continued Smoking
Among smokers, a common reason to not quit is the fear of gaining weight. While weight gain is a serious concern, continuing to smoke is a greater concern.
Activity for the Mind and Body
An active body can keep the mind active. And an active mind stays on top of its game no matter how much a person weighs.
Give Kids a Brain Boost with Exercise
Ever heard someone tell you that a particularly rambunctious child simply needs more exercise? Well, there may be something to that after all – for people of all ages.