Health News

Meditate the Pain Away
Those with hectic or stressful jobs may find themselves overwhelmed by anxiety, depression, or stress. Now, scientists are measuring the possible mental health benefits of secular meditation programs.
Treadmills Handle the Rat Race
If you feel like you're your thoughts are caught in a hamster wheel, it may be time to hop on a pair of real wheels - and use physical exercise to stave off burnout.
Nature Reduces Stress
If you don't see green when you look out the window, you're at greater risk of mental and behavioral health issues, a new study suggests.
Helping You Helps Your Employer
While issues with mental health may cause problems with work, ignoring the issues will only make it worse, studies suggest.
Distress Released with Blogging
Teens suffering from social anxiety may have a trendy means of therapy available right at their fingertips, a new study infers.
Do Downward Dog for Better Downtime
If menopause is keeping you up at night, consider using part of your days for yoga sequences that a study has shown will help reduce that insomnia.
Comparing Childhood Mental Illnesses
When do mental illnesses start to display symptoms? A recent study shed light on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children, and the differences between the United States and another country.
After Life is Almost Lost
In television series such as Law and Order and CSI, producers tug at the heartstrings of viewers with scenes encapsulating the grief of victims and their loved ones, yet how many understand the real implications of such devastating trauma?
Mood and Anxiety Disorders May Trigger Opioid Abuse
Many people suffering from depression or other mental health issues may turn to alcohol to ease their pain before seeking professional help. New research confirms that these patients are at an increased risk to use opioid drugs as well.
A DNA Check-Up Before Therapy
This is an exciting time when questions of the past become exposed. Many parents always wondered why one child may respond better to communication than others, and researchers are beginning to uncover fascinating discoveries.