6 Celebrities Affected by COPD
Amy Winehouse, best remembered for her voice and unique musical style, was only 24 years old when she was diagnosed with emphysema. Winehouse was known as a heavy smoker, which may have contributed to her COPD. Winehouse passed away in July 2011; her fans around the world continue to remember her.
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Review Date:
November 24, 2013Citation:
PubMed Health, "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease"" dailyRx News, "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" Fox News, "Emphysema Is Irreversible, Smoking Main Cause" Fox News, "Amy Winehouse: Emphysema at 24 Very Rare, Experts Say" MSN, "Inspiring Lives - COPD" New York Times, "The Last Days of Leonard Bernstein" Courtesy of Bryan Creely | Dreamstime Courtesy of Emanuel Corso | Dreamstime Courtesy of Sbukley | Dreamstime Courtesy of Daniel Huerlimann | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014