(RxWiki News) Fruits and vegetables provide important vitamins and nutrients for healthy development. Still, fresh produce can be very expensive. The state of Indiana may have found a solution.
Indiana has started a 'Garden on the Go' program that brings affordable fruits and vegetables to "food deserts" - neighborhoods and communities that don't have affordable healthy foods and need fresh food the most. The Garden on the Go trucks carry a variety of produce that make scheduled stops at many different locations.
"Indiana fights obesity epidemic with Garden on the Go."
Almost 30 percent of youngsters and 65 percent of adults in Indiana are overweight or obese. Obesity increases risk for many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. So Indiana University of Health (IU Health) is turning this first large-scale initiative into a proactive means of fighting the obesity epidemic.
IU Health researchers have found that people who have more access to healthy foods generally choose to eat healthier foods; hence the idea of Garden on the Go.
The trucks make stops at specific locations from Wednesday to Saturday, all year-round. Garden on the Go accepts all forms of payment including cash, credit cards, and government food stamps.
Everyone is welcome to shop and harvest healthy foods from Garden on the Go so stop by your first one today!