Sleep DisordersInfo Center
Harder Workout Keeps the Legs At Ease
With restless legs, maybe the key is just to keep them moving with exercise. But movement alone is not quite what the legs need to keep them from being restless at night.
Understanding the Autistic Brain in Sleep
Children with autism can have difficulties with communication skills, social interaction and repetitive patterns of behavior. Might they have difficulties with sleeping patterns as well?
How Your Race and Your Job Interact with Sleep
It's no surprise that a person's career can influence how much sleep they regularly get. But the influence of a person's job on their sleep might vary based on their race.
Sleep Deprivation and Food Consumption
Many people think it is unwise to go grocery shopping on an empty stomach; doing so might lead to some poor food choices. Could the same happen when shopping after a poor night's rest?
America, How Are You Sleeping?
Having difficulty sleeping can seep into all aspects of a person's life. It's not uncommon for adults to turn to medications to help them get some shut-eye. How many use prescriptions for this issue?
More Pillow Time, Less Weight Worries for Teens
Teens may be famous for not getting all the sleep they need — or getting too much. Either way, getting sufficient sleep may be important for both their weight and mental health.
Sleepy Mornings? Time to Go Camping!
Hit the snooze alarm five times. Drag yourself out of bed. Squint your way into the kitchen to make coffee so you can wake up. Sound familiar? Only in the modern world.
What If You're Not Sleeping Like a Baby?
Waking up a few times each night is normal, whether it's just for a few seconds, a few minutes or longer. But waking up dozens of times each night may be a sign of future problems.
What Tossin' and Turnin' Really Means
Tossing and turning and having trouble sleeping well may be signs of having anxiety. But could it indicate depression as well? Or could depression cause sleeping problems?
Too Much Media, Too Little Sleep
Monsters under the bed may not be what's keeping your kids up at night. The real culprits could be your television and computer.