Sleep Apnea InsomniaInfo Center
Do You Have Demented Sleep
Most women past the age of 45 understand the concept of sleepless nights or nights with less than four hours of shut eye.
Sleep Apnea Linked to Restricted Blood Supply
In addition to interrupted sleep and tossing and turning all night long, people who suffer from sleep apnea my have another thing to worry about. Reduced blood supply to the heart has been linked to the sleep disorder.
Most Sleep Problems Go Untreated
Sleep is a precious commodity, but for many, daytime fatigue can be a nightmare. About 90 percent of adults visiting a physician on any given day have sleep problems. Sleep apnea is probably to blame.
CPAP Class Helps Sleep Apnea Patients Adjust
For many people who suffer from sleep apnea, the remedy can be as problematic as the disorder. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines are used for most patients, which blows air into the upper respiratory tract through a mask worn over the nose at night, to keep the airway open.
Racism and Sleep, Health Problems
Social and environmental stressors have a hand in how likely a person is to experience disturbed sleep, and new research shows that racism may also be a stressor - even if the racism is only perceived.
Weight Loss Improves Sleep Apnea
A strong correlation between sleep apnea and obesity suggests that losing weight could have a tremendous effect on improving sleep disorders. While not all sleep apnea sufferers are overweight, the majority are.
Exercise More to Combat Sleep Disorders and Diabetes
Men with obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes or high blood pressure can greatly improve their survival rate by increasing their amount of exercise. Conversely, poor fitness habits increased the death rate by as much as 75 percent.
Baseball Time of Day Stats
Yogi Berra, who has always had a unique flair for the English language, once said, "Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical." Wonder what he would say about new data that shows the time of day a ballplayer bats may impact his batting average?
Chronic Catnap Challenges
A University of Pittsburgh research group has developed a device that may help non-sleepers get some rest. An evening top hat helps insomnia patients get much needed sleep.
Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea Produces ROI
People with obstructive sleep apnea often times snore loudly and frequently, and also experience excessive daytime sleepiness. Employees who sleep on the job are not exactly great workers. This sleeply worker syndrome can also lead to decreased work productivity as well.