Sexual HealthInfo Center
ED Signals Need For Heart Check
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem, especially for men over 40. For some men, ED is a red flag for heart problems. As such, men with ED may need to keep a closer watch on their heart health.
PTSD May Produce Sexual Health Issues
Veterans returning from combat can find it hard to adjust to their old lives. Many Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have experienced traumatic events, which can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.
ED Rx Okay While Treating Kidney Failure
Men with end-stage renal disease can be successfully treated with dialysis and transplants. But their quality of life may be interrupted by erectile dysfunction (ED).
Stay Fit and Trim to Avoid ED
For men, the "golden years" may present some unfortunate obstacles to having sex. Maintaining a healthy weight could keep their sex lives from taking a dive.
HPV Vaccination Coverage Too Low
It’s hard to believe there are two vaccines out there approved to prevent HPV-related cancers. The trick is getting all three doses within six months to make them effective.
That Sex Talk With Mom and Dad
The "talk" — teens don't really want to hear it. Parents don't really like bringing it up. But sex is kind of a big deal.
HPV, Vaccination & Cancer Rates
Prevention of HPV is now easier than ever, with two vaccines for adolescents and young adults. A simple, cost-effective pap smear test can detect early stages of HPV-related cancer too.
HPV Just Won't Go Away
Teenage girls have been targets of HPV campaigns over the last several years. But older women should be the focus as well, especially as repeat cases pop up in those already infected.
Sex When it's Not Sexy
It's risky business having sex. Getting intimate with a partner who does reckless activities can lead women to some yucky infections.
Brush Your Teeth or Face Erectile Dysfunction
Your smile could reveal that you have erection problems. Inflamed gums are a sign of gum disease. This condition can lead to heart disease, which has been linked to erectile dysfunction (ED).