Prenatal CareInfo Center
Extra Risks of Extra Pregnancy Pounds
Gaining weight is a natural part of growing a baby in your womb. Being overweight or obese while you are pregnant, however, can carry additional risks for your pregnancy.
New Baby, Older Mom
Having a baby as you approach middle age can be an unexpected surprise or a long hoped-for blessing. But there are risks to having babies as women grow older.
Outer Stress and the Inner Womb
Is it possible that the environment inside a woman's body may sometimes reflect what is going on in her life? How much could severe stress contribute to a stillbirth?
Vitamin D Benefits New Moms
One recent study found that too little vitamin D didn't appear to affect baby's bone growth. But there are other risks if expecting moms have too little vitamin D.
A Weak Link of Broken Hearts--EMBARGOED until 11:01pm CST on 3/23/13
The effects of a mother's body on her developing child are still mysterious in many ways. For example, the possible effects of emotional stress on a baby aren't totally understood.
Should New Moms Take Anti-depressants?
Deciding whether to take medication while pregnant can be a tough decision. It becomes tougher when the risks and benefits are not always clear, such as with mental health medications.
What Difference Does Vitamin D Make?
Women might think that not having enough of certain vitamins during pregnancy can hurt their developing child. That may be true sometimes, but not always.
Autism Risk May Be Buried in the Past
The causes of autism increasingly appear to come from a variety of different risk factors. One of those risk factors may be related to the childhood experiences of the children's mothers.
Baby’s Brain Blunted on Meth
There is no doubt that pregnant women should not use meth. If they do, their babies could be at risk for underdeveloped brains and at future risk for mental disorders.
One Less Worry for Preterm Babies
Babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy are considered preterm babies. Being born early can put babies at a higher risk for a variety of medical conditions.