PediatricsInfo Center

Radiation Type Treats Kids Gently
Radiation treatment is used to treat all different types of cancer. And there are different types of radiation that are given in various ways. Recently, researchers found a type of radiation that may be particularly helpful for young patients.
Of Movement and the Mind
Children with autism develop at different rates and often in different ways than children without autism. There may be links between their motor skills and their development.
Did Your Doc Get a Flu Shot?
Doctors often tell their patients to get the flu shot. But how many healthcare professionals are taking that step themselves?
Where Teens Get Smokes and Booze
It’s illegal to sell alcohol and cigarettes to minors, but many underage youths get ahold of these substances anyway. It may be that friends and family are providing access.
A Bit of Shut-Eye Boosted Learning
Most parents know it's going to be a rough evening if their preschooler skipped their regular nap. But those naps may help their children in other ways besides behavior.
Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Epilepsy
Pregnant women with a chronic condition must balance the benefits of medication with the possible risks to their child. This is true especially for women with epilepsy.
Getting a Boost to Fight Meningitis
One of the more disabling and fatal bacterial illnesses is meningitis. There are vaccines to protect against many meningitis strains, but not all of them — yet.
Breastfeeding Struggles Matter for Women
The majority of women expecting their first child plan to breastfeed, based on past research. But their plans don't always work out as they expect.
Fighting the Bug that Fights Back
When a person develops a bacterial infection, healthcare workers usually provide antibiotics to help fight the infection. But some bacteria have adapted and can fight off the antibiotics.
Sleep Apnea Risks Not Only for Adults
People with sleep apnea experience pauses in their breathing or shallow breaths while they sleep. In adults, the condition has been linked to diabetes and heart disease, but that link is less clear in younger people with sleep apnea.