PediatricsInfo Center

No Surgery Required for Children's Appendicitis
Untreated appendicitis can have serious consequences. But surgery may not be the only option for children with appendicitis.
Brain Injury in Teens Increased Emotional Issues
Every year, more than half a million teenagers experience a serious concussion. These brain injuries often leave lasting damage, but to what extent?
Kids' Eczema Tied to Warts and Infection
The exact cause of childhood eczema is not known, but it may involve an issue with the immune system that increases the risk of other health problems.
Mom's Weight May Affect Her Child's Weight
Previous studies have shown that the amount of weight that women gain during pregnancy can significantly affect the baby's health. And it's possible that a child's health could be affected throughout childhood and beyond.
Why Childhood Cancer Survival Rates Have Increased
With increasing survival rates for many types of childhood cancers, some of these cancers are approaching cures. Several key events have made this possible.
Hidden Risks of Harm for Epileptics
Broken bones and burns are often common injuries among children and teens. But some kids may be at greater risk than others for injury, such as those with epilepsy.
More TV, Less Sleep for Kids
Sleep is very important to health, especially for children who are still physically developing. Anything that might interfere with sleep, such as TV, might lead to poor long-term habits.
HIV Patients May Need More Frequent Immunizations
Vaccinations can offer protection that prevents disease and saves lives. For HIV-infected patients, this protection may not last as long.
Parents' Meal Portions Predicted Kids' Portions
Most kids are pretty good at deciding what foods they will eat. How much they eat, however, is influenced by more than hunger.
Kids' Obesity Numbers Leveling Out
In order to address childhood obesity, it's important to know how many children are obese in the US and whether that number is growing or shrinking.