Patient Safety EducationInfo Center

Live Birds a Salmonella Source
The word Salmonella often brings to mind eating contaminated food, like chicken or eggs. But live poultry can also be a carrier for the bacteria and people can become ill through contact with these animals.
Pain Relief After Wisdom Teeth Removal
After a person has their wisdom teeth pulled, pain management is the next step. Prescription painkillers alone may not be as effective as an over-the-counter combo.
Follow-up Key for Heart Failure Survival
Heart failure is one of the most common reasons for admission to the hospital. A visit to the doctor after a hospital stay for heart failure may reduce both the likelihood of readmission and the risk of early death.
What's in Those Plastics?
It can often take a while for researchers to learn more about the effects of different substances in the environment on our bodies. Phthalates are one of those substances we're learning more about.
Obesity Linked to Higher BPA Levels
More and more attention has been focused on the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in recent years. BPA is found in many products, but it's not clear how it might affect the human body.
What Do We Know of Herbs and Breastmilk?
In the US and throughout the world, many women use herbal supplements while they are breastfeeding. It is important to know about the safety and effectiveness of these herbs.
Dengue in the US
Dengue fever is an illness spread through mosquito bites. Although the illness is common in certain regions of the world, it is a rare occurrence on US soil.
A New Magnet Attraction: Kids' Stomachs
Magnets, like blocks, Legos and puzzles, offer all kinds of fun to kids. But, obviously, the magnets work a little better when they remain outside of children's bodies.
High Costs of Drinking Too Much
Drinking too much can result in more than just a hangover. Too much alcohol can lead to expensive health care, property damage costs and missing time at work.
It Hurts — But Is an X-Ray Needed?
Twisted and sprained ankles are as common in childhood as hide and seek. Just as parents have to decide when an injury is serious enough to go to the ER, doctors have to decide if x-rays are needed.