Patient Safety EducationInfo Center

Mind Your Bones
Older adults are commonly prescribed drugs to strengthen their bones and combat injury. But these may be unnecessary when it comes to preventing one dangerous ailment.
Where You Live May Put Your Infant at Risk
Living on top of the world might not be so good for infants.
Depressed and Exhausted: It Could Be Something More
A bad night's sleep can make you feel tired and unfocused during the day. If left untreated, that cycle may become more than just an inconvenience.
Concussions May Exact Long-Term Toll on Football Players
Football is a violent sport. Although most football-related injuries heal, one particular injury — concussion — may lead to major mental issues later in life.
Get a Grip on Your Health
A firm handshake may indicate more than just your confident personality. Good grip strength may indicate that you're in good health.
A Hidden Risk of Depression
Depression may affect more than your brain and behavior — it may also affect your physical health. Depression may raise the risk of a life-threatening condition in older adults.
Good Health Before Cancer: A Survival Booster
A healthy lifestyle — marked by healthy eating, exercise and a healthy weight — can help prevent cancer. In patients who get cancer, that same lifestyle may help them live longer.
How Seniors Stay Mobile
Mobility devices like canes and wheelchairs can keep seniors moving, which can help them stay healthy. And the use of these devices by older patients may be on the rise.
How to Choose an Anticoagulant
If you need to take an anticoagulant — popularly known as a blood thinner — you don’t want it to cause bleeding, but some might raise your bleeding risk. 
How Drunk Driving Could Affect the Economy
Sober driving saves lives, and it may also save money — a lot of money.