Patient Safety EducationInfo Center

Healthy Diet: Small Changes, Big Results
Making small diet improvements over time may lower your risk of dying, according to a new study.
Home Medication Errors on the Rise
Medication errors at home have drastically increased over the years, according to a new study.
The Benefits of Your Morning Coffee
Here's another reason to look forward to your morning cup of coffee: It might make you live longer.
The Lowdown on Advance Directives
Nearly two-thirds of Americans hadn't completed an advance directive, according to a new study.
The Link Between TBI and Dementia
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) may raise your risk for dementia later on, a new study found.
Heartburn Rx Tied to Serious Risk
Long-term use of a common medication for treating excess stomach acid may be linked to early death, according to a new study.
Serious Infection Becoming More Common
The number of serious intestinal infection cases has increased rapidly in recent years, according to a new study.
Vitamin D: Too Much of a Good Thing
The number of people taking vitamin D supplements above the recommended levels has increased, according to a new study. But taking too much vitamin D could be unhealthy.
Zika in the US: What It Means for Babies
Pregnant women in the United States may face a higher risk for Zika virus than previously thought, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Legionnaires' Disease in Health Facilities
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning that some health care facilities may pose a risk of Legionnaires' disease.