Menopause Hormone ReplacementInfo Center
Post Menopause? Rethink Diet Resolutions
Resolving to shed those extra holiday pounds may sound like a good idea, but for postmenopausal women, maintaining the status quo may be better unless they keep the weight off for good.
Menopausal Women Don’t Get Enough Vitamin D
You’ve heard it time and time again: eat vitamin-rich food to stay healthy, especially if you’re a woman who’s transitioning through an important developmental stage, such as menopause. However, not all women are following this advice.
Hysterectomy Raises Risk for Early Menopause
A hysterectomy, or surgery to remove a woman’s uterus, is a common procedure used to treat many health conditions, including gynecologic cancer, fibroids and endometriosis.
Battling Hot Flashes Long After Menopause
If you’re in those menopause years, you’re likely to see the most common symptoms – hot flashes and night sweats. They may not go away anytime soon.
Estrogen: A Natural Stroke Protectant
Naturally occurring estrogen may aid with ischemic stroke prevention for women under the age of 50. However, in older women the sex hormone may instead increase the risk of stroke.
Hysterectomy Raises Iron Levels and Risks
Iron is an essential element for a properly functioning body, but extemes of iron in the blood have different consequences. Strategies for optimizing iron levels are discussed in new research from the University of California - Los Angeles.
Menopause Doesn't Slow Tennis Moms
Menopausal symptoms may bring one down occasionaly, but a challenging tennis match might help rid you of those feelings. Experts are now saying passoniate competition will lift your spirits and keep you healthy.
Knee Injuries Lead to ACL Tears and Osteoporosis
Being involved in sports is a good way to learn social skills, get some exercise and meet people. But certain sports can be more taxing on bones and ligaments.
Soy Protein Reduces Clogged Artery Progression
There may be a window shortly after menopause in which women can slow the development of clogged arteries through a method as simple as taking soy protein supplements.
Counting Sheep After Discontinuing HRT
Lack of sleep can take one's vitality for life away. With slower schedules and hormone shifts, sleeping can get really slippery for older women.