ImmunizationsInfo Center
Meningococcal Disease and Your Teen
Teens and young adults face an increased risk for meningococcal disease. Here's everything you need to know about meningococcal disease.
A Vaccine for Dengue Fever, for Some
Until recently, there was no vaccine for dengue fever in the United States.
The Truth About Vaccines
Myths about vaccines are widespread. These misconceptions often cause people to skip important, potentially lifesaving vaccines.
Protect Yourself from Tetanus
Tetanus is dangerous. It’s also preventable.
Vaccines: Not Just Kid Stuff
Immunizations aren't just for kids. Adults need vaccinations, too. Staying up to date on your vaccinations is one of the easiest ways to prevent disease.
Mumps Cases on the Rise
Mumps cases are on the rise, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Multiple Vaccines and the Immune System
Infants receiving multiple childhood vaccines based on the routine vaccination schedule did not face an increased risk for infection, according to a new study.
The Benefits of the Flu Vaccine for Kids
Kids who receive the flu vaccine may be less likely to experience serious flu complications that send them to the hospital, a new study found.
The Impact of the Rotavirus Vaccine
The rotavirus vaccine helped keep hundreds of thousands of children out of the hospital, according to estimates from a new study.
How the HPV Vaccine Could Help the World
A simple vaccine could prevent cancer for hundreds of thousands of women around the world each year, according to new research.