High CholesterolInfo Center
Antibody Injection Drops Cholesterol
For patients with stubborn cholesterol that is not easily lowered with statins or traditional care, an experimental injection of antibodies may do the trick. It has been found to offer a substantial cholesterol improvement.
Trans Fat Linked to Irritability
Feeling irritable and aggressive? It might be what you're eating. A new study suggests that eating higher amounts of trans fats may lead to undesirable adverse behaviors.
Sugary Drinks Linked to Heart Disease in Men
Are you drawn to drinking sugar-sweetened beverages daily? It may not be doing any favors for your heart. A recent study found that men who drink just one sugary beverage a day are at a heightened heart disease risk.
Merck Cholesterol Drug Delayed
Drugmaker Merck & Co. announced Monday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not approve its investigational combination cholesterol-lowering drug.
Dark Chicken May Benefit Heart
Got high cholesterol? Consider grabbing a drumstick. Those with high cholesterol may receive an added benefit from eating chicken or turkey -- specifically from consuming a nutrient in dark meat.
Take a Liver Test Before Taking Statin Drugs
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials have announced they will no longer recommend regular liver enzyme testing for patients taking one of several popular cholesterol-lowering drugs such as Lipitor ( atorvastatin ).
Americans Cutting the Unsaturated Fats
Now that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found a way to measure blood levels of trans-fatty acids in the blood, they've discovered some good news.
Garlic is Great for Keeping Cholesterol Low
Sometimes it seems like no matter what you do, what lifestyle or diet changes you make, your cholesterol won't drop below 200. It turns out that all that might be missing from your diet is a little (or a lot) more garlic.
ER 1/25 4 PM CST Longterm Heart Risk Predictions May be Deceptive
The common practice of predicting the risk of heart attack and stroke a decade into the future might be giving some patients a false sense of security.
Sweets Could Heighten Teen Heart Risk
Parents have long warned teens to skip sugary sweets such as soda and candy to prevent them from loading up on empty calories. New research has revealed that excess sugar consumption could affect their future health.