Healthy DevelopmentInfo Center
Go Ahead - Make a Mud Pie, Kiddo!
The joke is that experienced parents don't clean off a pacifier after it falls on the floor. A few extra germs just build the immune system, right? Well, they may be on to something.
Reducing Childhood Obesity Is Attainable
The U.S. government aims to reduce the childhood obesity rate from the current 16.9 percent to 14.6 percent by 2020. But what would that require? The answer might surprise you.
Milk Won't Make Kids Einsteins
Although past research has found links between adults' vitamin D levels and brain power, less was known about whether the nutrient helps kids in the same way. It appears that it can't.
How the Brain Learns Words
Is there a better way to teach language and reading to students who are struggling? Some teaching methods may be more affective than others for students who have difficulty with reading.
Have Another Coffee, Mom
If you really need that cup of joe , it's okay, Mom. Whether you're pregnant or breastfeeding, your coffee habit won’t come back to haunt you with increased nighttime baby wakings .
Take me out to the Playground!
Breakfast? Check. Storytime ? Check. Naptime? Check. Lunch? Check. Playing with dolls and trucks? Check. Shapes and colors and puzzles? Check. Plenty of time playing outside? Oops.
Digital Books Engage Young Readers
Keeping students engaged has always been a teacher’s challenge. With mobile devices and games more prevalent than ever, it is only getting more difficult. However, the same technology may help students enjoy reading.
Nursing Moms Should not Avoid Cow's Milk
Nursing moms who avoid milk in hopes of reducing their babies’ risk for food allergies should think twice: A new study finds that it may increase your baby’s risk for food allergies.
Preemies Breathe Better With new Rx
Newborns who arrive early often face respiratory problems since their lungs may not yet be fully developed. A new drug approved by the FDA joins four others to treat these problems.
It’s 3 AM, Is Your Child Breathing Okay?
Baby snores might sound cute, but the problems they might cause later are not. Children with troubles breathing during sleep are at a much higher risk of later behavior problems.