DepressionInfo Center

I Just Called to Say I'm Okay
If making an appointment to see the psychiatrist or therapist for your regular therapy is a hassle, here's some good news. A phone therapy session may be just as helpful.
Group Therapy for Depressed Diabetic Women
Living with a chronic disease like diabetes can take a toll not only on your body but also on your mind. In fact, depression affects about a quarter of people with type 2 diabetes, particularly women.
Generic Depression Drug Pulled
The generic versions of brand name drugs are only approved for use if they are chemically identical to the brand name drug. But a generic of Wellbutrin differs too much.
Few Screened for Post-Stroke Depression
Depression is common after a stroke, but a new study suggests that doctors are assessing few stroke patients, potentially offering too much treatment to some patients and too little to others who may need anti-depressants.
Awareness and Dementia
Dementia is often believed to be an over 65 problem. Some people develop dementia younger, and it may mean they are more aware of their symptoms.
Turn Off the Night Light to Feel Better?
City lights, computers, TVs, cell phones, night lights — we live in a world with plenty of dim light interrupting the darkness at night. This may not be good for our mental health.
Emotional Support Key After Implanted Defibrillator
An implanted defibrillator may give heart arrhythmia patients peace of mind when it comes to their physical well-being. Keeping an eye on their emotional well being, however, is just as important.
Mom's Depression Impacts Others Too
Mothers of young children who are experiencing depression may feel too overwhelmed to seek help for their mental health. However, doing so could be good for their children too.
Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow
Coming home from war with post traumatic stress syndrome and a traumatic brain injury requires treatment. But the treatment often works — even for veterans also battling major depression.
Anxiety After Beating Prostate Cancer
Anxiety from cancer can lead to all kinds of problems including depression and sexual dysfunction. Counseling after prostate cancer treatments may help improve quality of life.