DementiaInfo Center
Your Health Rating Heightens Dementia Risk
There may be some power in negative thinking. Older individuals who rate their health as fair or poor are more likely to develop dementia later in life.
HIV and Dementia Connection Explained
Patients living longer with HIV/AIDS are at risk to develop a condition called HIV-associated dementia (HAD). Scientists have discovered that some people diagnosed HAD actually have two genetically different HIV types in their bodies, hiding in a place where HIV has never been seen before.
Small Silent Strokes Increase Risks
Small undetected strokes are not uncommon in older patients. These incidences may be contributing to an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in such patients.
Low B12 May Lead to Brain Shrinkage
Vitamin B12 may be more important than previously believed, especially when it comes to preserving brain health and mental agility.
Substantial Alzheimer's Guideline Changes
A proposed change in guidelines for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease means patients will be examined for signs of the disease after their death even if they never exhibited symptoms suggesting the diagnosis.
Drugs Found Safe for Dementia Patients
Several studies over the summer suggested that common drugs taken by the elderly including antidepressants and antihistamines might cause additional cognitive impairment in those suffering from dementia.
Dementia Cases Going Undiagnosed
As many as 36 million worldwide are suffering from some type of dementia, yet about three quarters of them have not been diagnosed, partly because it is often falsely considered a normal part of aging.
Stroke and Dementia Linked to Calcium
When calcium builds up in blood vessels it increases the risk of heart disease, including the risk of heart attack. It may also be linked to brain changes that increase the risk of stroke and dementia.
Heart Beat Raises Dementia Risk
Irregular heartbeat isn't usually life-threatening. It is relatively easy to manage. However, those with the disorder may be at a heightened risk for developing dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.
Do You Have Demented Sleep
Most women past the age of 45 understand the concept of sleepless nights or nights with less than four hours of shut eye.